This is for yesterdays Tuesday group mummys - so everyone knows what their little ones have done all afternoon inshallah! :)
Following the lesson objectives from the science curriculum on the Schemes of work site, this weeks lesson dfocussed on various properties found within materials and understanding that despite being different materials they may have the same properties.
We had on hand a tray of items each made from either metal, fabric, wood, paper, plastic or glass but also including blue-tack, play-doh, glue and paint (to help define other properties which are not contained in the more solid materials like wood and metal etc).
The play-doh and blue tack look and have similar textures. So I asked the kids to stand on the left if they thought play-doh would be stretchy, to stand on the right if they thought the blue tack would be stretchy or to stand in the middle if thought both stretch. (kids all went to different locations)
We tried to stretch the play-doh but found it just broke where as the blue-tack had a veeeeeeery long stretch!
The same with the PVA glue and paint - they look similar in appearance in terms of texture and the way they pour however the glue is sticky!
Activity 2
We played a game to help solidify kids knowledge and understanding of using property vocab associated to different materials.
The kids had to work out which item from the tray had been selected, by asking questions from ready prepared cards. A couple of the girls took turn to answer for an object I selected whilst the others looks away. I had planned all the girls to take a turn but unfortunately there wasn't enough time! :(

(can be downloaded inshallah HERE!)
I used cards rather than allowing them to ask their own questions, as i wanted to ensure they would go through different properties, rather than all just asking the same question each over and over!
Each card was then placed in either a "Yes" or "No" group - to help remind them what the properties of the selected item had, to aid them in identifying it.
I think this one was PVA glue
And this looks like it was the blue-tack.
Activity 3
Each child then took turns to use the results in the table, to list the group of materials which was recorded within each property.
.....and the kids were relieved when it was aaaaall over! :) They had a quick 10 minute break before we started geography....written up in next post inshallah.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you for sharing these resources. They are so handy!