What to do when everyone else is starting school?

So, you made the decision to home-educate.... and then you see all the children starting school... a hot wave of self-doubt rushes through your veins as you question if home schooling really the right thing to do?

You listen to your family and friends gush about how well their child is doing at school, how their teacher seems to get the best out of them, how amazing the projects are that they work on, how nice the friends that they picked are.... it sounds like a fairy-tale....its certainly enough to burst your little home-school bubble and the image of a tiny, grim child-prison you pictured as being the place these folk call "school".

So what do you do when everyone is starting school?

Writing mini-office

In an attempt to improve writing skills, this basic Writing Mini-Office has been designed to help prompt and remind younger writers of some key writing basics inshaAllah!

It is not a learning tool, but rather allows students to recap already learnt basic fundamentals whilst writing!

So if your child needs to be reminded to add their capital letters and full-stops, to check spelling and basic punctuation, then this is for you!

Just print out onto thin card and laminate, or stick onto strong cardstock, before taping together the sides to produce a professional looking tri-fold mini-office!

My printing tips:

I always suggest printing onto thin card when laminating, as it gives a smoother final finish and also will give you a stronger tri-fold stand inshaAllah!
 I find when laminating paper, the sheet will be noticeably weaker and tends to bend slightly- which is fine if you are laminating something to go on the wall for example, but as we are wanting this to stand, thin card gives a much more professional and stronger final finish.

If thin card is not available to you, then I would recommend printing onto good quality strong paper.
Whether you choose to laminate your mini-office pages or stick them onto strong card-stock instead, a stronger paper quality will help to prevent wrinkles when laminated or when glue is applied!

To download this mini-office, just click on the high-lighted text below inshaAllah.....!

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