My Qur'an Organiser is a simple resource to help keep revision and hifdh on track bi'ithnillah. There are 3 sections which comprise of:
- Virtues of the Qur'an - A place to record the many virtues of the Qur'an mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The purpose of which is to help develop some understanding of the blessings and favours of the Qur'an, in order to realise its importance and increase in love for learning it bi'ithnillah.
- My daily Qur'an Schedule - A place to detail one's daily review, new memorisation and reading. This is useful to help develop structure and routine.
- Tafseer and benefits - A place to write out the translated meaning of the ayat together with a short explanation of its meaning and benefits one can use.