Edit: This planner is no longer available to purchase.
Nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling when an empty homeschool planner presents itself; an invitation to recreate our homeschool just as a fresh coat of paint gives a new lease of life to old tired walls.
I'm super excited to share our updated Homeschool planner for 2019-2020!
This production has truly been a labour of love....truth be told I am a bit of a planning nerd. Although I have to tell you, sometimes the planning is a little more fun than the implementation of it all.
Its specifically designed for the Muslim Homeschooler, with both Islamic as well as secular quotes relating to education scattered throughout to sprinkle a little inspiration when you need it.
You can choose from two cover titles:
I realise homeschool planning can be overwhelming. I get it. And so I've created a package to help provide support as you use the Planner to ensure you really get the best out of it this year inshaAllah....all explained at the end of this post.
Come with me as I take you on a tour inside....
Its specifically designed for the Muslim Homeschooler, with both Islamic as well as secular quotes relating to education scattered throughout to sprinkle a little inspiration when you need it.
You can choose from two cover titles:
I realise homeschool planning can be overwhelming. I get it. And so I've created a package to help provide support as you use the Planner to ensure you really get the best out of it this year inshaAllah....all explained at the end of this post.
Come with me as I take you on a tour inside....
So what's in this years Homeschool planner?
It's divided into seven sections; each with its own tabbed divider designed with a quote from the Qur'an, hadith or Ulema.
Introduction pages:
- Title page
- Emergency contacts
- Contacts
Our Calendar
- Year at a glance - covering August 2019-December 2020
- Individual monthly calendar, again running all the way to the end of 2020
When we think of a calendar, what usualy comes to mind is marking future events, dates we need to remember. It's obvious.
However calendars are brilliant tools to "plan backwards" - penning down your activities after they occurred as a way to record all those spontaneous last minute plans or activities that get forgotten once its all over and done.
Throughout the year you'll be surprised at how much you have done with your family; which will help give you a boost, because we never think about each time we walked through a park, or took an impromptu trip to the local museum.
It's also helpful to have on hand when you need to provide your homeschool accounts for your Local Authority (if they contact you!)
Monthly Homeschool Reflections
- A double page layout for each month of the year.
Each month displays a different secular quote relating to homeschool and education to inspire.
Out of the whole planner, this section is actually my favourite and I'd say in my opinion, the most valuable.
It's designed to help you take a birds-eye view at your homeschool over the past month, and the month coming forward.
Many of us tend to look at our homeschool once a year objectively; pondering on what has worked and what hasn't, and then trying to map out how we can rejuvenate the next homeschool year and bring back the excitement again inshaAllah.
What if we were to spend a few minutes each month doing this, instead of only at the end of each school year?
What might happen, if at the end of the month we sit comfortably with our favourite hot drink, and take a little time to reflect on the past four or five weeks?
Giving time to recognise the paydays that occurred...those little successes and triumphs that our family experienced, which usualy we pay little attention to; the maths challenge beaten without tears, the kind word spoken by a sister to a sibling, the mini book about Poetry Teatime that was secretly made to surprise you with. See the successes of your homeschool and treasure them for what they are: success.
To ponder upon the challenges of that month, addressing how we can tweak and make positive adjustments working forward into the next inshaAllah.
To dig deep, and consciously reflect upon everything we are truly thankful for over the past month that again, rarely gets noticed.
To realise the lessons that we as an educator have learnt, not the lessons our children have- and I'm not referring to maths or history here. I'm talking about the lessons of being a homeschooler, of being a mother, of helping our children through this journey we chose for them.
And then to take all these reflections, and use them to positively influence the forthcoming month bi'ithnillah.
This is exactly what the Monthly Homeschool Reflection pages are about.
Our Homeschool Organiser
- Daily planner (includes blank days)
- Our Homeschool
- A successful Homeschool
- Mission statement
- Password and username list
- Website list
- Places to visit
- Homeschool expenses tracker
- Resources & curriculum research
- Resources & curriculum choices
- Book list
- Subject list (to help you decide what subjects to cover this year)
- Subject schedule / weekly time table
- Workbox planner
- Subject loop schedule planner
- Morning time ideas
This section is designed to assist getting our homeschool in order.
I've tried to include a variety of different homeschool forms commonly used so you can pick and choose which pages you need, and leave the ones you don't.
For example, if you don't use the workbox system, you won't need the workbox planner....and if you do, you'll find several different layouts to choose from depending on the number of boxes you use (12, 10, 8, or 6).
Similarly, if you don't do morning time, leave off the Morning Time ideas page.
Print what you need, leave what you don't.
The children
- Attendance record
- Grade tracker
- Reading log
- Qur'an Tracker (includes blank days)
- My goals (for the children to complete)
- What I think about our homeschool (for the children to complete)
- Know my child
- Student goal setter
This section aside from the trackers, is really about helping you to see your child for who they are, and using that information to help you plan your upcoming year inshaAllah.
It contains an excellent tool to help you see through your childrens eyes: My goals and what I think about our homeschool - to be completed by your children.
These pages are an invitation to your child to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas around homeschool (no matter their age).
This invitation can provide you with a wealth of insight about your kids experiences that will certainly aid you in your homeschool plans inshaAllah.
Also when we get our children involved in the pre-planning process, we show them that their education is something they are part of, rather than being something which is *done* to them.
Our Lesson Planner
- Morning time week ahead
- Topic plan
- Detailed lesson plan
- 4 week lesson outline - double page spread to map out 4 weeks of homeschool.
- This week's lesson planner.

I love a good quote!
The Topic plan page helps you to map out a lesson, project or unit study before you pen the Detailed Lesson plan.
I liken the Topic Planning page to the pre-baked bread you can buy in the supermarket to stick in your oven at home, allowing you to put down on the kitchen table a freshly baked loaf in half the time.
In a similar fashion, it prompts you to create an overview for your lesson or project, that you will use as a map to direct your more detailed plan. Because you have your map, the lesson planning will be a much quicker process inshaAllah.

Also included is a set of 52 Weekly lesson planning pages, with a choice of up to 6 subjects or 10. Each page shows a unique (referenced) Islamic quote relating to education or parenting.
Our Household Planner
- Week ahead family planner (includes blank days)
- Chore planner
- Family chore chart (includes blank days)
This is another of my favourite pages; the weekly family planner.
A set of 52 pages so you have one for every week of the year, each featuring a unique Hadith of the Week for you and your family to focus on.
A super cute mini weekly table to jot down any outside appointments, classes or playdates, plus a dinner menu so you can be sure that you won't be stuck staring in the kitchen cupboards trying to figure out what to eat.
Although you can see the Week Ahead Family Planner pictured above is in the binder, I'm actually going to stick mine up on the kitchen noticeboard where it will be seen by everyone inshaAllah.
Our Ramadan Planner
- Ramadan calendar (blank so you can fill in the dates once the moon is sighted inshaAllah)
- Our Ramadan
- A successful Ramadan
- A successful Ramadan homeschool
- Our Ramadan homeschool plan of action
- Ramadan activity ideas
- Ramadan plan
- Ramadan meal planner
You asked for it, so I added it!
Here we have an awesome Ramadan Homeschool Planner to help you organise your month, so you will be absolutely ready in 2020 inshaAllah!
The pages will help you think about what is most important to you and your family, and prompt you towards deciding whether or not you will continue to home educate throughout Ramadan.
Whether you choose to homeschool or not during this month, the pages can be utilised to map out your month with either your regular lessons if you continue as normal, or special Ramadan themed activities.
Homeschool Planning eBook Guide
To help support you working through the Homeschool Binder, the eBook can be read alongside to:
- provide the intent behind some of the Planner pages
- explain how to use some of the pages
- introduce some organisation methods which some of the pages have been designed to be used with
- give suggestions for how you may like to benefit from some of the Planner pages
Note writing pages
For all those general notes you want to make, I've added matching note paper with two different layout choices.
Planning Club
Now to the support package I talked about right at the start....
I get it, planning our homeschool can be overwhelming.....so I'm here to help.
I've created A Muslim Homeschool's Planning Club - a private members only Facebook group exclusively for every sister who purchases the Planner (Telegram group is also available for those who prefer not to use Facebook...or use both), so that I can help you work through it in your homeschool until the end of April 2020 inshaAllah, when we'll close right before the start of Ramadan.
I'll be there to help answer any planning related questions and together as a community, we can champion each other on!
Not only that, but we'll have 8 Themed topics to help you utilise the planner and get the best out of your homeschool organisation and planning inshaAllah.
We'll deep-dive into a different planning related area each month starting in September through to April 2020 (if you join after September you'll have immediate access to all material posted since September up to the month you have signed up)
We'll explore the chosen subject through readings, guided activities or links to further online resources.
What you will receive:
- Our Homeschool Planner 2019-2020 PDF (please note this is a PDF file to print, not a physical product) including separate files for each page and alternate layout options where applicable.
- Homeschool Planning eBook Guide to help you work through the Homeschool Planner.
- Exclusive access to the private Facebook group: A Muslim Homeschool's Planning Club
- Alternatively for sisters who prefer not to use Facebook, a Telegram group (or use both).
(Telegram is a free mobile app like Watsapp - however it can also be accessed on the PC / laptop and also keeps phone numbers anonymous) - Extra monthly resources to help you utilise the planner and your homeschool organisation.
How to compile your homeschool planner?
Please note, your purchase is in a PDF format, not a physical product. You will be required to print and place either inside a ring binder of your choosing, or get it spiral bound.
The advantage of using a ring binder over getting spiral bound (I feel), is you don't need to print everything of in one go.
You have the freedom to print the pages as you need them each week or each month and just add them into the binder - this is particularly useful for the daily planning pages, and some of the lesson planning pages where you'll need to print multiple copies. Instead of mass printing you can print as you need.
You have the freedom to print the pages as you need them each week or each month and just add them into the binder - this is particularly useful for the daily planning pages, and some of the lesson planning pages where you'll need to print multiple copies. Instead of mass printing you can print as you need.
To purchase the Homeschool Planner 2019-2020 designed for Muslim homeschoolers:
EDIT: This planner is no longer available.
Assalamoalaikum sister! How many pages are there in this binder? Like in the sense of different pages(not asking about the ones that repeat themselves)?
ReplyDeleteWa alaikum asalaam wa rahamtullah,
DeleteThere are 46 different unique pages plus 7 dividers for each planner section
The 4 week (/monthly) Lesson outline is repeated x 10 - however each double page spread includes a different quote
The Weekly lesson planner is a set of 52 pages - again each having its own unique quote
The week ahead family planner is also a set of 52 pages with its own Hadith of the Week.
In total you will receive:
000 - Note writing pages
00 - Homeschool Planning help eBook
0 - Our Homeschool Binder 2018-19 Full
1 - Cover and introduction page ("Our Homeschool Binder")
1 - Our Homeschool Planner cover and introduction page
2 - Emergency contacts
3 - Contacts*
4 - Calendar divider, Year at a Glance and monthly calendar
5 - Monthly homeschool reflections divider
6 - Our homeschool organiser divider
7 - Our homeschool Values
8 - A successful homeschool
9 - Homeschool Mission Statement
10 - Daily Planner*
11 - Attendance record - August - July
11 - Attendance record - Blank months to fill in
11 - Attendance record - January - December
12 - Password list
13 - Website list
14 - Places to visit
15 - Resources and curriculum research
16- Resources and curriculum choices
17 - Homeschool expenses tracker
18 - Book list
19 - Subject list
20 - Subject schedule
20 - Subject schedule BLANK DAYS
21 - subject loop schedule
22 - Morning Time ideas
23 - The children divider
24 - Reading log*
25 - Grade Tracker by assignment*
25 - Grade Tracker by subject - 2 children*
25 - Grade Tracker by subject *
26 - Qur'an tracker*
26 - Qur'an tracker - BLANK DAYS
27 - My goals (children to complete)*
28 - What I think about our homeschool (children to complete)*
29 - Know my child*
30 - Student goal setter*
31 - Our lesson plan divider
32 - This week's Morning Time*
33 -Topic plan*
34 - Detailed lesson plan - 1 lesson page *
34 - Detailed lesson plan - 2 lesson page *
34 - Detailed lesson plan - 4 lesson page *
35 - 4 week lesson plan outline
36 - This week's lesson plan - up to 6 subjects
36 - This week's lesson plan - up to 10 subjects
37 - Workbox planner - 5 boxes
37 - Workbox planner - 5 days BLANK DAYS
37 - Workbox planner - 6 boxes
37 - Workbox planner - 6 boxes BLANK DAYS
37 - Workbox planner - 8 boxes
37 - Workbox planner - 8 boxes BLANK DAYS
37 - Workbox planner - 10 boxes
37 - Workbox planner - 10 boxes BLANK DAYS
37 - Workbox planner - 12 boxes
37 - Workbox planner - 12 boxes BLANK DAYS
38 - Our household planner divider
39 - Chore planner
40 - Family chore chart - 2 people
40 - Family chore chart 2 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 3 people
40 - Family chore chart 3 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 4 people
40 - Family chore chart 4 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 5 people
40 - Family chore chart 5 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 6 people
40 - Family chore chart 6 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 7 people
40 - Family chore chart 7 people BLANK DAYS
40 - Family chore chart - 8 people
40 - Family chore chart 8 people BLANK DAYS
41 - Week ahead family planner
41 - Week ahead family planner BLANK DAYS
42 - Our Ramadan planner divider
43 - Ramadan calendar (blank)
44 - Our Ramadan
45 - A successful Ramadan
46 - A successful Ramadan homeschool
47 - Our Ramadan plan of action
48 - Ramadan activity ideas
49 - Ramadan Plan
50 - Ramadan meal planner
51 - Islamic references
52 - Divider tabs
53 - Topic ideas
How can we get this ?
DeleteI want this plz
DeleteAllahumma baarik looks amazing I really need this!Alhamdulilah katheeran may Allah bless your efforts ukhti. InshaAllah it's going to help a lot with motivation of teaching four different ages.
ReplyDeleteJazakillahu khayran ��
BarakAllahu feeki.
DeleteAssalaam alaikum sister. I am interested in homeschool resources to help my son who is Thirteen and has been studying Quran and Arabic and general subjects at school but has become demotivated after many of his friends left the school. I am.looking for English and Arabic language resources and was wondering if you have anything for this older age group.
ReplyDeleteWa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
DeleteArabic resources - Have you looked at the Madina Arabic books? It is the same curriculum taught to non-Arab speakers when they enter the University of Madinah. There have been newer versions of the book published which are coloured and probably better suited to teens that the old black and white versions (the red books) - darusalaam sell a new hardback copy
Iman's homeschool blog has some excellent resources to use alongside the madina books.
With English - have you looked at Bravewriter?
Its an excellent English writing program which helps to develop children's writing - you can use it as a stand alone curriculum, or use alongside any other curriculum you are following
The website is http://bit.ly/2HZvrpD
The store site is http://bit.ly/2o5avFb
Assalamu alaykum sis, may Allah put loads of barakah into this.
ReplyDeleteWa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
JazakAllahu khayran
Assalaamu alaykum
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to make this run from Sunday-Saturday instead of Monday-Sunday
Umm Aisha
wa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
DeleteFor all the pages which include days of the week, there is a separate blank day option to allow you to begin your week on any day you choose.
Assalamu’alaikum. Would we be able to use it for the whole year of 2019? Since I just knew about it and it’s near the end of 2018. Jazakillahu khayr
ReplyDeletewa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
DeleteYes the calander goes all the way to the end of 2019.
Its only the calander which is dated, all other pages are able to be used year after year.
ReplyDeleteHope you are well, inshaAllah. Will you be releasing another soon? If so, any particular date in mind? I have only started homeschooling this week and, as a teacher, I like to be organised. Something like this would be perfect for everything I'm trying to get done this week but it is already March so I am thinking if I should wait out for the next school years. Jazakillah.
wa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
DeleteI haven't got any plans at the moment to produce another one, however this Planner will be updated with a blank calander and given to everyone who has purchased it already inshaAllah
AWW. I have only just started homeschooling. This is exactly what I am looking for. Will you be making another for this year? Or could I purchase this one at a discount? jzkA
ReplyDeletewa alaikum asakaan wa rahmatullah,
DeleteI haven't got any plans to produce a new planner this year, however this one will be updated with a blank calander and given to everyone who has already purchased inshaAllah.
Esselaamu aleykum ve rahmetullah, is there comming a new planer for 2019/2020?
ReplyDeleteASsalaumalaikum, I purchased this but still haven't received the file for download. What should I do next?
ReplyDeletewa'alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullah,
DeletePlease contact me through Facebook or Instagram so I can take your details https://www.instagram.com/amuslimhomeschool/
BarakAllahu feeki
How does this differ from previous years? I purchased the planner last year, do I have to purchase again to access this one?
ReplyDeleteDo you have new planner for 20-21 year? I want really like parts of the planner like the Ramadan planner, HOusehold planner and The children. Would it be possible to just buy those part at reduced price as I am just starting out in homeschooling and my financially it's a struggle. JazakAllahu khairan sister for considering
ReplyDeleteI do have one coming out later this year insha'Allah - a complete redesign and extra guidance - but I haven't got a launch date just yet as its still a work in progress. look out for announcements soon.
DeleteI do have some free planners on the blog sis - these were put together years ago as I was just learning the digital skills, but are still offer value
Although this is 2015-16 it is only the calendar portion you need to leave out - the other pages are undated http://www.amuslimhomeschool.com/2015/08/its-that-time-of-year-again.html
aand a free home management planner http://www.amuslimhomeschool.com/2014/08/free-home-school-binder-printables-for.html